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Monday, 20 February 2023

Christian dating 101: Abstinence before marriage

Abstinence before marriage is a topic that has been widely discussed in Christian circles. The Bible teaches that sex is to be reserved for the context of marriage, and many Christians choose to practice abstinence during the dating period as a way to honor God and protect themselves emotionally and physically.

1 Corinthians 6:18 reminds us "Flee from sexual immorality. Every other sin a person commits is outside the body, but the sexually immoral person sins against his own body." This verse teaches that sexual immorality is a sin that has specific harm to oneself. It reminds us that sex outside of marriage is not only a violation of God's plan but also it has physical and emotional consequences for us.

Additionally, Hebrews 13:4 teaches us "Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous." It reminds us that sex within the context of marriage is holy and pure, while sex outside of marriage is viewed as immoral and subject to God's judgment.

It's also important to remember that maintaining sexual purity before marriage is a way to honor God and to respect our future spouse. By choosing to practice abstinence before marriage, we demonstrate our commitment to God's plan for sex and our willingness to put the needs of our future spouse above our own desires. It's a way of showing respect and love for the person we plan to marry.

Practicing abstinence before marriage can also protect us from the emotional and physical consequences of premarital sex, such as STDs and unplanned pregnancies. It allows us to focus on building our relationship with our future spouse on a strong foundation of trust, respect, and commitment to God.

In conclusion, the Bible teaches that sex is to be reserved for the context of marriage and many Christians choose to practice abstinence during the dating period as a way to honor God and protect themselves emotionally and physically. It's important to remember that maintaining sexual purity before marriage is a way to honor God and respect our future spouse, it's a way of showing respect and love for the person we plan to marry and also it protects us from unwanted consequences of premarital sex

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