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Wednesday, 1 February 2017

Do you have an empty heart?

The great big emptiness in your heart can only be filled with The Lord Jesus Christ. You try to make sense of life without God in the equation and you still can't understand the meaning of your existence. Sometimes when you're alone and you can't stand the emotions rushing in and the thoughts that comes to your mind... So you travel the world and you satisfy all your hearts desire and left confused and lost as you still couldn't understand what is that emptiness in your heart...

You think you have depression... You think you're just lonely... You believe you need to surround yourself with more friends... Maybe another sip of wine... Maybe another round of getting wasted with alcohol... Or finding a new high with new drugs...

At the end of the night when you're alone, you seem lost... You hate the torment in your mind and feel hopeless despite all the things you have in your fingertips... You hate life and become bored of the things you once enjoyed.

A life without God or a life resisting God Himself is a life of rebellion and of sin. Now Sin is the reason why we do not have a relationship with God... and Sin will eventually becomes Death to us... dragging us to an eternal separation with God Himself not only in this world... but the afterlife. So what is the Hope?

The Hope is this; For God so loved the world, that He gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

God sent His Son, Jesus to rescue us from Sin and the consequence that sin brings to our lives now and even the afterlife... He died on the cross having no fault nor sin... being innocent, holy and blameless yet died a sinners death... the worst death possible on a roman cross for us all. His shedding of Blood was to redeem mankind that if we believe He is Lord, He is the Son of God and we stop trying to save ourselves but throw ourselves to Him... surrendering our lives to Him, repenting and asking for forgiveness for the way we have been living in sin and for all our wrong doings... He will forgive us our sins and receive us as His own people.

Then He will empower us to live a life for God and for Him... a life in relationship with The One Who created us. And sin has no hold unto us as we are set free from the vain pleasures that separates us from God in the 1st place. Everything will be new and made holy. As you say, "God, how would you want me to live my life before you?" Surely, He is no small Creator to guide and direct you in this fallen world...

Jesus died... was buried and He rose up from the dead and ascended into heaven. Promising to come back again... Proving Who He said He was during his lifetime on earth... To be The Son of God, equal with God and calling God His Father.

As a Christian, that is my hope. The Lord Jesus Christ who fills all the empty gaps in my heart since the day I received Him in my life to this very day... continuously.

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