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Tuesday, 12 July 2016

Don't Kill Yourself | God Loves you

God loves you that He sent His only Begotten Son Jesus Christ to die on the cross for your sin... He is not willing that anyone should perish but all would come into the saving knowledge through The Lord Jesus Christ... Salvation for our soul... a reconciliation with the Creator of Heaven and Earth through the redeeming blood of Jesus...

Your sinful life can not last for long until it gives you an emptiness within your heart and an unsatisfied desire of seeking for something that could stop the burning lust that so makes you miserable in life... You can not stand to be alone... Because in those times the unbearable thoughts of past regrets... unfulfilled life... failures... disappointments... the depression and also the defeats... as well as the feeling of life is meaningless comes to your heart and mind... It torments you to make you stay up all night in tears and also in pain...

What if I told you... God loves you and He cares... and you yourself know that you can not blame God on the outcome of your life... Because up until today, the outcome of your life is based on your previous decisions... and you yourself know it...

You chose to bitter instead of forgiving yourself or others...
You chose to live in sin instead of sincerely and earnestly seeking God...

How can I forgive myself??
How can God forgive me from what I have done??
How could I forgive others from what they had done to me??

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.
He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
The Holy Bible
The Gospel of John
Chapter 3, verses 16 to 18

God loves you even when you hate yourself... He loves you that He was willing to die for you... became sin for you... taking full punishment of sin upon Himself... to satisfy the Justice of God. Because if you were to receive what you deserve... The punishment for the sins you have committed... the wicked and evil deeds you have done birthed from your heart... You would not dare to even justify yourself come judgement day when you stand in front of God in His Full Glory and Holiness and Power after you have died... You would not be spared if you were to receive what you deserve...


Praise be to GOD, our Father... Lord, God Most High...

That Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour has died on the Cross for your sins that you would be justified by Jesus' righteousness  and what He has done on the Cross for you having being a propitiation for you... That you would not be condemned but SAVED... believing in Him Whom had died for you... That you would not have to pay for the debt of your sins against God...
He died... was buried AND rose up from the dead... having victory upon death and sin...

  • Jesus can set you free from the bondage of sin that so makes you miserable and depressed...
  • He can give you an unimaginable PEACE within you having knowledge that know you are reconciled with God...
  • Jesus is able to heal the wounds in your heart... in your mind... in your soul...
  • And God, The Father can be your God, your Father...
  • Trust in Him... He Loves you... He really does...

Even if your problems would not disappear... But you can receive a peace in your heart to sail through the challenges and the troubles in this life... Having your eyes set in a better hope... a better life and a better future in The Lord Jesus Christ... in the afterlife...

I'm not here to do a theology class... or to debate about Christianity... But I'm here to tell you...







Therefore, my hope is not in this world... But in Christ Jesus, my Lord...




Cry out to Him... Call upon His Name... Ask for Him to save you